About the Bible

We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired, living Word of God.  The scriptures consisting of the Old and New Testament books (66) are authoritative and without error as written.  As God is the author, it is the revelation of God to man, beginning with creation and ending with eternal salvation.  It is profitable for doctrine, correction, and instruction in righteousness.  It is the final standard for truth.  The Word of God shall stand forever.  Being without contradiction, no single verse should be interpreted alone but compared to what Scripture states elsewhere using Christ as the only criteria.

(Hebrews 4:12, Isaiah 40:8, John 20:31, 2 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16)

About God

We believe there is only one living God.  He is loving, all-knowing, unchanging, and eternal.  God has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

(Deuteronomy 6:4, Malachi 3:6, Isaiah 42:8, John 1:1, 3:16, and 1 Timothy 2:5)

About Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is a part of the Trinity as God’s only Son.  He was present at the creation of the world and He lives forever.  Jesus was God in the flesh, born of a virgin, and walked on earth as a man who knew no sin.  Through his death, burial and resurrection, our sins are forgiven by repenting of our sins.

(John 1:1-5; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18; 1 Peter 1:3; Hebrews 4:15; Acts 1:9)

About the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is one of the Trinity  (God, Jesus, & Holy Spirit) who intercedes on God’s behalf.  The role of the Holy Spirit is to convict of sin, comfort, guide, encourage and to sanctify the lives of believers.

(John 4:24; 14:16-17; Isaiah 61:1-3; Ephesians 1:13, 4:30; Acts 1:8; 2:38; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 1 John 3:24; 4:13; & 5:6-8)

About the Devil

We believe the Devil is the author of sin; he attempts to hinder the work of the Gospel.  He is the tempter who seeks to separate humanity from God.  His power and work are no match for God.

(Genesis 3:1-14; James 4:7-8; Matthew 13:19; 2 Peter 2:4; 1 John 3:8; 1 Peter 5:8)

About the Church

We believe a New Testament Church is a body of baptized believers committed to the teachings of Scripture.  The church, which includes the redeemed of all ages, is to be focused on evangelism, worship, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry according to scripture.  The local church is a self-governing body, operating through democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Its scriptural officers are deacons and pastor.  Its ordinances  which it observes are baptism and Lord’s Supper. 

(Matthew 16:15-19; 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42; Ephesians 2:19-22; 1 Timothy 3:1-15; 4:14;  1 Peter 5:1-4; Colossians 1:18; Revelation 21:2-3)

About Baptism and Lord’s Supper

We believe that Jesus Christ has called us to observe two ordinances, baptism and Lord’s Supper.  Baptism is to be done by immersion and to be administered upon a profession of faith in Jesus Christ, declaring Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. The Lord’s Supper is a communion in which believers remember the Lord’s death until Christ returns.

(Matthew 3:13-17; 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; 14:22-26; Luke 3:21-22; 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-21)

About Salvation

We believe that God created man in His image; however, because of sin all humanity is destined for eternal death separated from God.  We believe the only salvation from sin’s eternal damnation is through repentance and faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ.  Salvation is a free gift to all those who truly believe. We also believe that as a true believer nothing can take us from God; therefore, the true believer is firmly secure in their salvation and is destined to spend eternity with God.

(Genesis 3; Romans 3:28; John 1:12-13; 3:16; 5:24; Romans 8:28-30; 10:9-13; Ephesians 1:3-14; 2:8-9)

About the Last Things

We believe in the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ.  Upon His return, there will be the resurrection of the just and unjust followed by the eternal judgment.  The just will spend eternity with God, and the unjust will spend eternity in hell.

(Matthew 16:24-27; 24:27-44; Mark 14:62; John 14:1-3; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18; Hebrews 9:27-28)